Detainees jumped a road, seriously jeopardizing the physical safety of the officers, then being intercepted
Have been recovered all the stolen effects, three copper coils of a transformer and several pieces of fruit, which after being brought to justice have been returned to its rightful owner
The Guardia Civil of the Region of Murcia, in the framework of the established services of "Plan subtractions against farms and livestock", have arrested three people after being caught with copper wiring stolen fruit on a farm, carrying in the trunk of your car in Totana.
As part of this action have recovered all the stolen effects on the farm, three coils of an electric transformer and several watermelons, that after being brought to justice have been returned to its rightful owner.
It was in one of the many devices provided by members of the Civil Guard to prevent the theft of farm products in the outskirts of the town of Totana, in which, at a checkpoint on a secondary road was detected vehicle infused suspicions agents, so that in making its identification, he undertook flight control, thus endangering the physical safety of the officers and causing property damage in an official vehicle.
He quickly established a search of the vehicle and its occupants escaped.
This motivated the police cordon three occupants abandoned the vehicle and fled on foot undertake cross country.
After a brief chase they stopped two of the escapees.
During the tracking and arrest of these people, three officers were injured.
Meanwhile, inside the abandoned vehicle, officers seized the copper coils and allegedly stolen watermelons, initiating an investigation to locate the victim of the robbery, which ended hours later with the location of a farm in Totana, where a irrigation well had removed, by force, three copper coils of an electric transformer.
Following the arrest of two persons intercepted in flight on suspicion of burglary, continued to research in order to locate the third occupant of the vehicle, ending the next day with their identification, location and apprehension.
Within this service we have proceeded to the arrest of three people suspected of crimes of burglary and resisting law enforcement, and one of them also the offense of reckless driving, identified as:
- Spanish, 41 years and resident of Albudeite.
- Spanish, 23 years and resident of Albudeite.
- Spanish, 36 years and resident of Albudeite.
All prisoners have a history of committing similar crimes.
Effects recovered:
As part of this performance has recovered all of the stolen effects in the crime under investigation, three copper coils installed in an electrical processed and several pieces of fruit, which after being brought to justice have been returned to their rightful owner.
Detainees, recovered and proceedings initiated effects have been made available to the Court of Instruction No. 3 of Totana (Murcia).
Source: Ministerio del Interior