The government delegate in Murcia, Rafael González Tovar, the local mayor, Joaquín Martínez and the Minister of Social Policy, Joaquín Bascuñana, today launched the Day Care Centre where they will be cared for Albudeite dependent elderly in the locality.
The center has had a total budget of 765,719 euros, 500,000 of whom the State provides funds through E plan, and the remaining 265,719 euros, the City Council provides Albudeite.
The infrastructure has two floors fully equipped with meeting facilities, multidisciplinary area, rehabilitation gym, offices, locker rooms, laundry and ironing room, etc.
Tovar González pointed out that this center has a capacity of 20 seats and is designed for elderly dependents can spend the day well attended in the hands of qualified professionals in the right place, developing activities that foster their physical and mental state.
This also provides the respite care, the need is for carers of dependent people, one of the main objectives of the Law Unit led by the Government of Spain.
The Government delegate added that the Government of Spain, as has been demonstrated in recent years with concrete actions like this, is especially sensitive to social policies.
For this reason has been instrumental in the strategy of central government, the creation of centers like the one opened.
The delegate of the Government has expressed its satisfaction over the cooperation between the Ministry of Health, the City and the Autonomous Region at the time to take forward this project and says that "this is the best example of collaboration between governments to achieve welfare of the citizens. "
EUR 11.6 million E Plan for dependents
The Government delegate recalled that the Ministry of Education and Social Policy (now Health and Social Policy), signed in 2009 with the Autonomous Community of Murcia an agreement by the Government of Spain goes to the autonomous region 11,630,800 euros for development projects providing care for dependents under the special fund dependence Stimulus Plan for Economy and Employment (Plan E).
Through this special fund, the Region is funding the construction of new facilities, services and places for the care of dependents and other centers and modernizing existing services.
These investments involve the creation or adaptation of 1,135 places for people dependent on residences, day or night, in services to promote personal autonomy and private accommodation.
Its launch also marks the creation of almost 600 jobs in the Region of Murcia.
On the other hand, is designed to perform concerts of new services for dependent care and programs to improve the infrastructure of home help services and transportation services.
In addition, the Region of Murcia funded 65 programs for training professionals and caregivers who will have 780 seats.
González Tovar also made clear that these 11.6 million euros in addition to the funding of Murcia citizens receive from the Government of Spain for the development of Law Unit.
Source: Delegación del Gobierno en Murcia